QCustomPlot for IDA Pro Qt C++ plug-ins
For a Windows executable exploratory data analysis project using IDA Pro I needed to display some graphs. As is my usual planed on doing this from a Windows IDA C/C++ plug-in. I looked at doing this several ways. One idea was to just dump out a text file in the Graphviz DOT language and using a Graphviz viewer […]
Private: Qt 5.4 User Interfaces for IDA Pro C/C++ plug-in development – Part 2 of 2
Back in Part 1 we did the Qt 5.4.1 install steps. Part 2: Extension setup and update instructions Now we need to configure the Visual Studio QT5 extension. 1) Startup Visual Studio 2015 2) Click on the QT5 menu to open it up and select “Qt Options”. If it says something “You must install Template”, […]
Qt 5.4 User Interfaces for IDA Pro C/C++ plug-in development – Part 1 of 2
This is a rough and dirty update for my series “Qt 4.8.4 on Windows for IDA Pro C/C++ plug-in development”. With the new IDA Pro 6.9 comes the newer Qt 5.4.1. Luckily upgrading from Qt 4.8.4 to the 5.4.1 environment for plug-in development turned out to be pretty easy as it’s not that much different. […]